Data-driven industry analysis

Ceralytics’ industry analysis provides a complete view of the topics currently resonating in your industry.

Identify how each of your competitors positions themselves so you can pivot your marketing and sales teams to better compete against them.

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Understand the positioning of your company relative to your competition continuously and in near real-time.

Top performing content analytics

Identify opportunities in the industry

What is the competition doing better than you? Ceralytics identifies where your competition is currently gaining traction, allowing you to adjust your marketing strategy and regain your competitive edge.

Benchmark against individual competitors

Ceralytics isn’t a canned industry report. Ceralytics runs its analysis against the competitors you choose, giving you insights on how you stack up against each competitor and the industry as a whole.

Competitive head to head comparison

Identify your differentiators

What’s working for you that your competitors haven’t caught onto? Ceralytics identifies the valuable, unique topics and trends you cover, so you can double-down on your marketing efforts in those areas or use them as a differentiator in other marketing activities.

Continuous industry analysis

Unlike other providers, Ceralytics constantly updates you with new information about how your competition is positioning themselves throughout the year. Identify new industry trends as they happen and watch for competitor pivots in near real-time.

Content conversions

No more wasted content

You work hard. Ceralytics helps you optimize your content to ensure it works hard too. Understand your audience, topic relevance, and industry competition in ways that were never before possible to drive bottom-line business results.