We asked Gini Dietrich, CEO of Arment Dietrich and Author of Spin Sucks, her thoughts on the content marketing challenge of managing work/life balance. Here’s what she told us:



“So work/life balance, eh? It’s a real struggle. Work/life balance: whether it exists, if it’s elusive or whether we can have it all… it really depends on you on your goals. If you don’t mind working when you can, from a soccer game, on vacation (which I don’t recommend), in an airport or from a beach, you really can have work/life balance.

A lot of research is coming out that talks about how human beings’ brains can’t actually function for more than six hours at a time. All that other time that we spend ‘at work’ is really non-productive time. If you can think about to block your time and say, ‘Okay, from 9-11 I’m going to focus on this, then I’m going to take a break, check my email, check social networks, have lunch. Then from 1-3 I’m going to work on this, take another break, then from 4-5 I’m going to do one more project.’ If you break your day up like that, you’ll become super productive, you’ll get a ton done and you will feel like you have work/life balance and you can be home in time for dinner and may not have to work after hours.

There are lots of little things that you can do like that from a time management standpoint but it does exist if you’re willing to test things out.”

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